Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 1 as a self-proclaimed blogger. I feel different. I feel excited. I love the idea of starting a new project. I’ve got about twenty New Year’s Resolutions. I have no idea what I’m doing. But I feel inspired and I’m diving in. Head First. Topic number one: make a New Year’s Resolution. Not because it’s a new year but because you’re reading this and therefore obviously are looking for some sort of a starting place for your next move, wherever that move may be.

Find some way to make yourself accountable for your new resolution, me I’m gonna post it right now to my blog, I also told all the people in my office. Not that anyone cares. At all. But because I might look slightly silly if I keep telling people things and then not following through on them; ergo personal accountability. What would make you accountable for this new goal?

What do you hope to accomplish with your new goal? Why is it important to you? What might happen if you actually stick with it?

Drum roll please…

Resolution: I resolve to take a photo every day for one entire year.Accountability: Blogged it. Talked about it. Posting the photos to this blog, check out the link on the side called "A Photo a Day Keeps the Doctor a Way? (Mixed Idioms Are Kinda My Thing)"

Purpose: To document my life. To revamp my love for photography

1 comment:

  1. Do it girl! :) your optimism and fearlessness always brighten my day and boost my inspiration. Love you!
