Friday, January 17, 2014

Books r Phun

I picked up Ape House because I love love loved Water For Elephants. Both the book and the movie. And thank goodness, Sara Gruen did not disappoint with this one. The story captures your heart by exploring the relationships between humans and animals (a very similar theme to Water for Elephants). I was not only enthralled with the story, but I learned so much about the apes and their amazing humanness. If you have a heart, this is a great book for you! Click here for the cutest 4 minute video ever.

Bone Season peaked my interest because it’s a fictitious alternate world story that has already had it’s movie rights sold. This made me think it was going to be similar to Twilight and Harry Potter where fans will one day be Bone-Hards (haha get it, like Twilight- Twihards) or something like that. Anyway, I was sadly mistaken, this book is nothing like those magical, get sucked in, can’t put the book down, fanatical series’ that we've come to love. 
This book is filled too much made up jargon. I felt like I was back in college; constantly flipping to the glossary. Or to the front-of-the-book diagrams. Trying to remember bizarre names, all making it extremely hard to follow. And extremely hard to get lost in. 
Although I give major credit to the author (Samantha Shannon) who is only 22 years old and is already a published author, and is ambitious enough to project this as a 7-book series. I love a good success story, so hopefully Samantha proves me wrong on all of this and the rest of the world will love it!


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