Thursday, January 2, 2014

I thought by this time in my life I’d know everything. Turns out I don’t. I thought high school was the awkward, unsure, totally confusing stage of life. The world lied, that awkward, unsure, totally confusing stage of your life is really your twenties. Why? Mom and Dad are no longer holding your hand, they’re actually doing the complete opposite of hand holding. They’re wondering why you’re not using the college degree they helped pay for, or why you don’t have any kids yet, or why you still need help… with everything.

That being said, this blog is my attempt to document my twenties. It will be part advice (in the form of personal blunders) part memoir (probably also in the form of personal blunders) and part a mess of interesting stuff for other twenty-somethings to explore. Enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. Great start to your blog. Can't wait to read more! And I'm looking forward to those pictures!
